Mira and Nanai (parents)

Why do parents choose Koorschool Utrecht? We asked Nanai and Mira (both 46) parents of Lize (11) and Maya (7) why they chose our school. They tell about the atmosphere in school, the lessons, and they offer tips for parents who are unsure about the switch. Eventually, the kids themselves also tell about the things they like the most about Koorschool Utrecht. Read all about it!
‘Lize told us to say how enormously kind their caretaker is.’
Personal attention and a safe learning environment

Sometimes, as parents, you can no longer see the wood for the trees. There are so many different types of education; from the ‘vrije school’ to a state school, and from religious schools to Dalton and Montessori education. In short, choices abound. Mira: ‘Nanai and I very consciously chose a creative school that works from the child’s perspective. About Lize, we heard at her previous school, ‘how she beams when she sings, you should look at the Koorschool Utrecht some time.’ That turned out well! The most important reason why we chose Koorschool Utrecht is the singing, and also its small scale and safe atmosphere. It is a small school, where everybody knows each other. Whereas many other schools in Utrecht have classes of 30 students. At the Koorschool there’s really room for personal attention.’

Leerlingen van de koorschool spelen een bordspel
Approachable and involved teachers

Lize started in times of COVID. Strange years, in which parents and students didn’t get the full experience. Fortunately, that is different now. Mira: ‘Really, we didn’t feel how open the school is until last year. Now we see how easily we can just drop in. The teachers and principal are approachable and involved; it’s not hard to talk to the teacher’, says Mira. Nanai adds:  ‘What we also appreciate here is that children all play together. They all sing in the choir, but also at school they play and work with each other. They have friends in all classes and there is mutual acceptance. They can all be themselves.’

'At the Koorschool, contact with other parents and teachers is easy and accessible.'
Versatile and complete education

Is there still time for the regular subjects, with so much music education? Definitely! Students have music class three times per week, and apart from that they have core subjects, such as Dutch, math, citizenship and English. Cultural education is also important at the Koorschool. Mira and Nanai: ‘They regularly go on excursions about their lessons: to a museum, for example. But also in drawing class, they don’t just make a drawing. They learn more about several art movements and, for instance, they draw something in Van Gogh-style. That way, they learn a lot about music as well as culture. Lize’s class (group 7) also started having yoga and meditation lessons recently. I think that is very beautiful, that there really is room for more depth on top of the material. At first, we hadn’t been expecting that, precisely because so much time is devoted to music class. But it does not at all undermine regular and cultural education.’

Leerling toont boek over Zoltán Kodály
A positive influence

Moving from a large class to smaller classes, and being able again to perform on stage; that can only improve children’s confidence. ‘We really see a change in Lize. She’s more self-assured, more daring and empowered. That is a result of their performances, but also of the good atmosphere in school. At the Koorschool, everyone is allowed to be themselves,’  says Mira.

'The performances for TV show 'Klaas kan alles' and with the Nationale Opera were very impressive. For Lize as well as for us.'
Inspiring teachers

Mira: ‘Ms. Dymph knows so much about biology, and she can talk about it really nicely. Lize likes it when Ms. Dymph teaches history or geography.  Then she knows the lesson will last longer and she’ll learn more than just what’s in their books. There’s also a teacher who helps and understands children really well when they are nervous about tests. She teaches those students about helpful thoughts and yoga, to make it less frightening. Nanai adds: ‘Both our girls like to go to school and learn a lot. The school really looks out for the extra attention or challenges each child may need.’

Overzichtsfoto van een klas in de koorschool
Mira and Nanai's great advice

Who can give greater advice than someone who experienced the process of ‘changing schools’ themselves? Right, and that’s why we’ll let Mira and Nanai share their tips: ‘Go and see for yourself, that is the most important advice we can give. Experience the school, ask your questions and don’t decide any sooner. Apart from that, it’s important to know it isn’t a church school. Yes, they do sing in church, but as a family you don’t have to be churchgoing. Neither must your children have a voice like Whitney Houston’s. Anyone who loves singing is welcome. Koorschool Utrecht is for children who love music and it is perfect when you’re looking for a small and intimate school. The switch is not as unsettling as it may seem, also because your whole class  or a large part of it when you start in group 5  will have switched just like you. So the children make friends quickly. And our daughters still play with friends from their previous school too. At that age, a lot is changing anyway among classmates. People move, they go to a different school, etc.’

'Our family isn't churchgoing, and that's why it's so nice to see Lize really enjoy singing in church.'

‘In short, come and experience the school. Plan a tour, visit the open day, let your child(ren) sing along sometime, or join the classroom for (part of) a day. That’s a nice way for you, but also for your child(ren), to get familiar with the school. You don’t need to decide at once. Do you still hesitate? Talk to school about your doubts and also talk with the parents you meet at the playground. They give the best insight,’ says Mira.

'The switch between schools went very smoothly. We were guided well.'
Meet Mira, Nanai, Lize and Maya

Mira and Nanai (both 46) are the parents of Lize (11) and Maya (7). They very consciously choose a creative and inclusive school for their daughters. Mira works as an Associate Professor at an academic medical center and Nanai works as a restoration mason. The family share a passion for music. Not professionally, but for a hobby. So a song before bedtime is a daily tradition. Maya is in group 4 and Lize is in group 7. The things about Koorschool Utrecht they like the most?

 Lize: ‘Singing, especially the songs in English. We’re lucky that Ms. Annemiek also sings pop songs with us. I also really like BLINK, that’s geography and biology combined. I learn so much there.’

 Maya: ‘That we sing a lot. What I like most are the festive songs that are part of Christmas, Sint Maarten and Sinterklaas. I also draw more often at this school, I really enjoy that. My favourite thing to draw is a moon, animals or plants.’

Mirai en Nana met hun kinderen Lize en Maya

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